On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 12:06:45 -0400, "Yuri Blanarovich"
As far as acting as loading element, it is another form of (real life)
loading inductance, so it is similar to loading coil, but worse performer in
the loaded Yagi situation. Have look at the end of my article
Hi Yuri,
Now, when we actually "look" at the design at your link, we find we
don't know much about
1. How tall the antenna is (never said);
2. How long the radials are (never said);
3. How many turns in the coil (have to squint and count and hope);
4. How long the coil is (you gotta guess);
5. What frequency this resonates at (well, actually it doesn't say it
resonates anywhere);
6. What the drive point Z is (as if that mattered)
But we do know that some one can find
7. The current into the coil and;
8. The current out of the coil;
9. which according to breathless reports makes all the difference in
the world,
10. I threw away that trash coil, replaced it with a distributed load
(aka shorted transmission line) and boosted the performance.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC