Mark Morgan Caught Lying To Himself In Public Again.
an_old_friend wrote:
" steve beaten as promised, and tries to make himself out as
the victum again ha ha"
Oh Markie, Once AGAIN you've proven what an idiot you are.
I am not a "VICTIM" (you illiterate idiot), EVERYONE ELSE on
RRAP is, though!
YOU have admitted to abusing them.
K4YZ wrote:
lied to an_old_friend wrote:
as I promised I would stop Robeson fro using RRAP as his peronal
channel of abuse. I said if it killed RRAP in the bargain that was ok
with me (if less than desireable)
And you've again uttered yet another lie as you've suggest that
you've somehow denied me access or use of RRAP.
No i said no such thing I said I created a state of affairs whee can't
use use RRAP effectively as tool for your abuse and
Sure you have.
YOU acknowledged that YOU "killed" RRAP.
Mark, WHY do you insist on being so prolific in your lying?
that is the question you need to answer Stev why do you lie about me
and other in Public
I don't lie about you.
Indeed, YOU have many questions to answer that you are
unable/unwilling to answer.
No more, no less.
Steve, K4YZ