If you are talking about a European pile up, it is customary to tune up on
the QRG of the DX, and call on his frequency the second a spot appears,
whether you hear him or not. Then begin dits or carrier (depending on a CW
or SSB DX station) on the QRG if split and also inside the pile up if you
don't get him first try. As a more sophisticated method, call fifty times
on the QRG of the station being worked, to make sure you NEVER get in the
log of if in the log, NEVER get a QSL. Eastern and southern European's
excell at this.
If it is a JA pile up, call a few times on top of the station being worked,
then stand by hoping the DX will come back to you. Never listen to the NO
JA or EU ONLY PSE, just make a mess.
I operate mostly low bands so haven't heard a US pile up from here lately,
but from past experience, all of the above apply.
That's why when there is good prop, I search and pounce, but the poor
******* I just worked gets clobbered with a combination of all of the above.
Bob 9V1GO G4VGO at home