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Old May 24th 04, 04:24 PM
Keyboard In The Noise
Posts: n/a

Helen -- The Isle of Man is an entity on the ARRL DX Country list -- thus
counts for DXCC credit -- see URL:

GD, GT* Isle of Man EU 27 14

So this makes it very desirable for DX chasing. One source (Buckmaster)
shows only 250 or so ham residents on the Isle Of Man. There are about
735,823 Hams in the USA alone -- so you can imagine the desirability.

Now what constitutes a DXpedition ??

The term is used VERY loosely by the Ham community. Frequently it is indeed
"little coral outcroppings and remote islands with no resorts on them". On
the other hand, Antarctica might well be touted as a DXpedition.

But using google you will see folks using the term "DXpedition" to such
places as Palestine, American Samoa, Jordan, Armenia, and many more
"populous" places.

In the loose sense -- it is any location that will put a rare DXCC entity or
IOTA island location on the air.

Some consider it a matter of money -- hence a DXpedition to Aruba has been
seen. (;-)

I have even seen a QRP DXpedition to the USA Sierra mountains -- go figure

A far better term would be DX Operation -- see URL:

Hope this helps as the term DXpedition is bandied about with out any strict

If I needed The Isle Of Man for my DXCC credit --(I don't) then perhaps it
would be a DXpedition -- hi hi.

Keyboard In The Noise

Opinions are the cheapest commodities in the world. Author unknown but
"right on"
"Hellen Marsh" wrote in message
Am I missing something? Isn't Isle of Man a modern populous island right
by England and Scotland? I mean, isn't it a 'normal place'? What makes
this a DX-Pedition? Does that mean if I travel from Seattle to, say,
and set up a ham station that I'm a DX-pedition?? What am I missing
here? I thought DX peditions happened on little coral outcroppings and
remote islands with no resorts on them..... Hardly Isle of Man....


"9V1GO" wrote in message

"M1LCR" wrote in message
During the weekend of 15 and 16 May 2004, Steve (MW1STE), Mark

James (M3JRP) and Adrian (M1LCR) will be visiting the Island for the

of a site survey, and to finalise arrangements.

During the weekend, we will operate on HF, 50MHz and 144MHz.

Listen for us on Saturday afternoon, from 2:30pm onwards on 50.115 MHz

(USB) and 144.315 MHz (USB). We will be grateful for any contacts,
particularly if the station we are working can supply QRA Locater and
Receive System setup (Rig and Aerial).

This is so we can ascertain what paths are available from our

callsign GD4WXM/P as well as individual operator callsigns will be

plan HF Activity to be on 3.5, 7 and 14 MHz, although this is a

objective. Check this page after 17 May for photographs and reports.

See for further details.

Adrian Rees (M1LCR)

Another ****ant trip to bother people. You have no idea what a

is my friend.

Bob 9V1GO