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Old April 18th 06, 09:32 AM posted to
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default any more lies lies before I go to bed steve gues you had to repeat the once more

K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:

care to lie about my wifes gender or say agian you have never hreatened
when you have this very night "Stop now before you get hurt"

Never lied about your "wifes" gender, Mork. I am sure he's a nice

and you lie again about her gender

that I need a busness license in michigan for my feild ofwork I might
need DBA if I did not use my name in my busness but I do use my name

Where's the license?

I don't need one

still brazening out you lie that I am welfare or that you have any
proof I am on welfare,

You're not "brazening" anything.

no you are

contiuing to lie about it

You're a welfare cheat. Period.

nope not on welfare let alone cheating to get it

you lied again

your lie that I am child molestor or rapist or homosexaul

You're all three, so where did I "lie"...?!?!

I am none of the hree so you lied

that my wife is male instead of female

We KNOW "she's" a male, Morkie.

wel I know better

that she is born in another country

"She" was.

nope that is a lie as well
she was in Wiscosin I have even given the name ofthe town she grew up
and where her father still lives

that is just a partail list of the leies you have told tonight


Nope...No PARITAL list, Morkie.

All facts.

no fact from at all

Steve, K4YZ