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Old April 18th 06, 10:09 AM posted to
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Default More Markie Mularkie

nobodys old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old idiot wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old fiend wrote:

care to lie about my wifes gender or say agian you have never hreatened
when you have this very night "Stop now before you get hurt"

Never lied about your "wifes" gender, Mork. I am sure he's a nice

and you lie again about her gender


you said he that makes it a lie

No, it's not.

The "lie" is you "married" a "woman".

You're a welfare cheat. Period.

nope not on welfare let alone cheating to get it

Sure you are.

your proof?

Ask the State of Michigan.

As you like to say, carry your own freight, Putz Boy.

id love to see it, but I can't see vapourware

It's not, but then you know that.

you lied again


yes you lied again


You're faking your "disability".

nope but it does not get me any money steve

Sure it does. That's what the welfare's for, Mork.

I wish it did

Did what? You want MORE...!??!

You do it with EVERY post on RRAP.



your lie that I am child molestor or rapist or homosexaul

You're all three, so where did I "lie"...?!?!

I am none of the hree so you lied

But you are so I didn't.

nope I am none of those

Sure you are.

so you lied


that my wife is male instead of female

We KNOW "she's" a male, Morkie.

wel I know better

Then you're a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for, and that
was a pretty big idiot!


And now even BIGGER!

I knwo antomy do you nursie

Antomy? Is that some Russian composer?

that she is born in another country

"She" was.

nope that is a lie as well

Not unless I see a marriage certificate to the contrary.

what you would need is birth certifcate idoit

I LOVE it when you try to insult somone by calling them an "idoit".

No, Morkie...The applicant's place of birth is supposed to be on
the marriage certificate.

but wether or not you see either does not alter the fact she was born
in Wisconsin

There's a city in Central Europe called "Wisconsin"...?!?!

she was in Wiscosin I have even given the name ofthe town she grew up
and where her father still lives

I can give you the name of 10 cities with someone named Hojnacki
in it.

that is more than I can but we have East troy WI, Matoon IL (her mom
these days the Quad cities would have several (her uncles and various
of his relations) detroit Mi her grandma and some other members of the
but you point?

The point is I don't believe you.

You allege that you got married in Israel. First of all I don't
believe you were even IN Israel, nor do I believe you married a

Until I see a picture of the two of you standing together with you
holding up a placard with the date and her with a sign that says "I Am
Mork Moron's Wife", there's nothing to believe of your story. We can't
get the truth out of you so whatever else seems plausible must be

that is just a partail list of the leies you have told tonight


Nope...No PARITAL list, Morkie.

All facts.

no fact from at all

More fractured English.

just simple truth from meabout your lies

What lies?


sex freak

It's got nothing to do with sex, Mork.

If you WEREN'T such a putz, you'd know better...

But you ARE a putz (and a big putz at that...), so I guess we're
stuck with it.

Steve, K4YZ