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Old April 18th 06, 11:48 AM posted to
an old freind to some a nightmare to others
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Default steve continues to lie as expectd

K4YZ wrote:
From: "K4YZ"

an old freind lied and deceived:
K4YZ wrote:
raped an old freind wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
just a warning if you ever dared to show up at my door and therefore
be comitting a crime

Nope. A threat. The threat of use of deadly force without
imminent threat of harm is a violation of the law, Morkie.

no threat was made

You lie even in the face of your own words.

no lie

Sure you do.

nope steve

Yes, Morkie...You're commiting the greatest lie possible...To

that is what you are doing lyigto your and the rest ofus

How shameful.

you deed is truly shameful

only in your sick dreams

The only one here "sick" is the one who started all the "Are You
Ready To Go To Bed Yet" posts, Morkie.

I asked if you were finsihed lying yetand you are not
Sorry I am keeping you out of
bed, but you forget that this is the "middle of the day" for me...!

Idon't care steve

you were warned that if you arrvied at my door your be greeted as the
clear threat uo would be in such an event
indeed your words "Stop now before you get hurt"is justification for
warning that you arrvial will be deemed a threat

And you CONTINUE to utter threats even AFTER I have pointed out
your foolishness...Maybe trying an early end-run at an insanity

nopeyou are the one working on the insanity defense

I don't need a defense, Mork.

youwill if you carry out your threast to show up her

or teh threat you uttered early today" stop now or you get hurt"

You're the one with the threats.


and you have convincd me

That's because you're an idiot.

noit is becuase you are insane that is the pronouncement of the FBI as

just a warning

Morkie, there's nothing you could say or do that would even
remotely impress me as a "warning".

that is ture enough steve, but only because you are a fool


yes you are a fool

Nope. Look who the fool is, Morkie...

that is you fool

You've been whining about going to bed for three hours now but
keep fielding more silly posts.

no whining just asking

Because you're an incompetent, skilless idiot.

You just aren't capable of
carrying it out.

as you just proved

No...Because YOU proved it...

I have not proved Ican't shoot you if you are fool enough to get in my
face and make me

See what I mean about skills...?!?!


Only an idiot would "get in (your) face" to conduct a gunfight,

yes indeed only an idoit would

YOU need a shotgun and zero-point-squat range to hit a target.

I can hit at slightly greater range than that steve but ifyou show up
at my door you will be close enough I am sure

I don't.

you point?

I sware you must be sucidal

You "sware"...?!?! Really? What's that?

yes realy