K4YZ wrote:
you are dumb dumber than Wismen if youthinkid give youone of my busness
No problem, Morkie. I say "no problem" because you and I BOTH
know there's no "business cards" since there's no buisness...Other than
YOU giving the buisness to the State of Michigan.
you are lying agin there is abuness and I have busness with my phone
number on them
whatso you can harras me by phone as well?
I wouldn't do that.
with all the lying you do I don't believe you
you have tried various stratgems over the years to get more data to use
against me
why are you that dumb.
even Dave gives me more credit than that
I never expected you to give me something that doesn't exist,
give my regards to Col Rushing
Steve, K4YZ