"David" wrote in message
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 08:11:56 GMT, HFguy wrote:
Monroe wrote:
Looking to upgrade from a Panasonic RF-3100. Just got off of an
"exiciting" ebay excursion for an older Kenwood R-5000 and have been
considering a R-75 w/ DSP from Universal. Something that has always
been gnawing at me was the use of an HF transceiver for shortwaver
reception. There is routinely a large inventory of used HF receivers
available about my area; mostly HF nets/clubs and the like. Actual
HF/shortwave/comm's receivers are hard to come by here.
Are any of these used receivers notable in performance/feature set for
shortwave reception?
AFAIK, There are no HF transceivers with a sync' detector. I would
consider this to be a serious shortcoming for AM program listening.
I used to have an RF-3100. I was a fun receiver. It uses a
'semi-synthesizer' design similar to the FRG-7, DX-300/302 and XCR-30.
The latter was the first consumer receiver to use this design.
The SSB mode works fine for AM voice listening. Who listens to music
on shortwave any more?
I do, and alwasys have. Shortwave listening to me has a lot to do with the
cultures of other lands. Music is an excellent reflection of any Nation's
culture. I couldn't imagine SWL-ing if I didn't stop the tuning dial on
music from other places.