Mark C. Morgan was assraped by a family member, but he asked for it!
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
Billy "faggot Davies" Smith wrote:
Spammer wrote:
With the Lavender Lads all running around him like a bunch of smurfs.
Answering yourself instead of having phone sex with Toad, Lardass?
flameing Billy myself and Tood in one post
Dumbass Marky the pervert and drug abuser states the obvious.
but you were
But you snip out all the time, hypocrite.
STFU, Aids, boy.
Markie admits he has AIDS.
you going to make me?
One way or another, you will.
not likely since you can't
Want to bet, oh, that's right, you can't afford to bet.
You said yourself you couldn't even scrape up $1000 bucks.