Thread: VU4
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Old April 20th 06, 06:51 PM posted to
Fabian Kurz
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Default VU4

Wes Stewart wrote:
Fabian Kurz wrote:
Yep. It was made using my own callsign, which is perfectly legal

You left this part out:

"Contacts made from club stations using a club callsign may not be
used for credit to an individual's DXCC."

Again: I made the QSO using my own personal callsign (DJ1YFK),
not with the clubstation callsign.

Your rules appear to be different but in the US the call sign is
assigned to the "station", not the individual and the station call is
what should be used.

Yes. In DL the callsign is assigned to an individual, no matter
from where it's used.

A few years ago I operated W1AW but I sure wouldn't claim those QSOs
as my own for DXCC purposes since I identified as W1AW, not N7WS.

Same here with my numerous recent activities where I was actually
using a club-call (like DM1A WAE CW, DP4T CQWW CW, DP4K RUDX, all M/S).
That would have added a *lot* of new bandpoints, if it was credited
to my own callsign.

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK * Dresden, Germany *
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