Woger has a new nightclub act
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April 20th 06, 07:59 PM posted to alt.cocksucker.geno-paris,,,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Marky the unstable retard
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
you going to make me?
One way or another, you will.
not by any action of your
Wrong again, Markie, I've been reporting your spamming "get help" spams
all morning.
not likely since you can't
Want to bet, oh, that's right, you can't afford to bet.
anytime as soon as you admit who you are and prove you can pay up
No, you already admitted you can't scrape up the money, welcher.
You said yourself you couldn't even scrape up $1000 bucks.
lying agin
The proof is on Google, dumbass.
Funny to hear a felcher like Wussman call anyone else a welcher
considering that he lived with his aunt/mommy for 10 years in his 40s
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