Thread: NALs, again
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Old April 23rd 06, 10:13 AM posted to,,
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Default NALs, again

Fellow hams,

When we post here and even when we communicate on ham radio, we
open ourselves to commentary. I don't mind the commentary. Some is on
point. Some may be on point though we disagree. However, the
following has no semblance to reality.
From: Another Lloyd - view profile
Date: Sun, Apr 23 2006 3:29 am
Email: "Another Lloyd"
Not yet rated

He, like Dumbass
Donnie, simply does not know when to quit. If it were possible, Sherin
time out this simplex frequency, though he accomplishes the same by
on and on while driving other Hams off. It has always amazed me that
would talk to either of these clowns for more than five minutes. What
they have to offer?
__________________________________________________ _________
Comment: Read the book in progress at the address listed above and take
in some knowledge. Just because you are less than enlightened doesn't
mean you should drag everyone else down to your level, such as it may
Sherin preaches, Donnie complains.
Comment: Please understand, my friend, one person's preaching is
another's wisdom.
Sherin claims to have a "melodic voice"
while Donnie whines about Mexicans undercutting his landscape business
Comment: That has no basis in truth. The older I get, the more
congested my lungs are becoming, so I know my voice is far from
melodic. Do I detect envy?
And did you know that Sherin is NOT a real preacher as he posits? He is
ordained, but self-proclaimed.
Heck, by Sherin's standards I could proclaim myself to be anything that
strikes my fancy should the mood so strike me. It works for him.
Maybe I can proclaim myself to be the Grand PooBah, Most Divine Leader
the Super Heterodyne Intellectual Types (****).
Heck, if Sherin can claim to be a preacher I can likewise claim to be a
****, can I not?
Or is it the other way around????
Comment: I've never claimed a preacher nor do I feign to be such. Do
you have me confused with someone else? Really, Lloyd, think about it.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX