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Old April 24th 06, 02:01 AM posted to
Chris Jones
Posts: n/a
Default Best way to build fixed 1.6GHz locked oscillator?

3flp wrote:


I'm in the process of designing a simple scalar network analyser. The
synthesizer will use 2 PLLs. One tuning from 1.6 to 2.6GHz and the
second on locked to 1.6GHz. I hope to create a DC to 1GHz output. I'll
use Minicircuits or similar for the broadband VCO. But it seems a
little wastefull to use the same thing for the fixed frequency PLL. So
here's the question, what would you experienced home brew gurus

The oscillator phase noise does not have to be perfect, but it should
not be much worse that the Minicircuits VCOs. The cumbersome
old-fasioned multiplied crystal is not really needed. So what other
options should I look at?

Thanx for ideas,

That sounds like a very interesting project. Can I try to persuade you to
make it a vector network analyser? After considering making such a thing,
I reckon that at least a third of the work is in making the signal source,
and so once you've gone to that trouble, you might as well make a VNA which
then allows proper calibration, so your return loss bridge etc. doesn't
actually have to have good directivity, just be stable over time.

Regarding your question, I think two full PLLs is probably the best
solution. If you don't need such wide tuning range for one (or both) of
them, you could consider one of the Analog Devices PLL chips with
integrated VCO.

Usually in a mixer, one of the inputs is driven hard and the other one is
driven weakly. If you drive both inputs of your mixer hard then I guess
that in addition to the wanted output you'll see the third harmonic of one
oscillator mixing with the third harmonic of the other, giving you a spur
at three times the wanted output frequency. What are your plans in order
to get a clean output?
