NALs, again
Absolutely untrue. Never was in Orlando for any ham meeting, though I
know the Auxilary meeting of which you write. You've got the wrong guy
on that one. However, on motivation, you're getting close. Bored with
ham radio at the time, I decided to take up my journalism. The issue
of which you write brought me together with both sides as interviewer.
My articles were published in Florida Skip and broadcasts carried on
K1MAN. For me, it was a fun time being in the middle as a neutral
When KV4FZ was prosecuted by the feds, he called me, knowing I had an
interest in law, and invited me down to help him out. I accepted as I
would have for any ham in need, although acceptance did not constitute
condoning the behavior. I was able to affect the reversal of two
counts of coviction by the jury through the discovery of fabricated
That fueled more journalism, since I was right in the middle. I was
able to keep confidence with Herb while, at the same time, criticizing
him publicly for his conduct. If any readers are interested in that
high drama, put into your NG search "When the Feds Fanned Out." You're
gonna love it, because it was a lesson to this utterly naive ham at the
Now K1MAN has the spotlight for the final curtain, and because I once
worked close in doing broadcasts there, I know much on the inside. So
when I post, I have some authority, but the ham who reported that all
important court decision has the scoop us all with remarkable news.
Is there some need you have to degrade? Are you uncomfortable with
yourself? Chill my friend and enjoy life. We only have a short time.
Let's create as much happiness as we can for those around us.
Bob Sherin, W4ASX