K4YZ wrote:
dumber than an old fiend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:More Morkie Mularkie...But This Time He Goes Over The Line
how so?
You exceeded your Moron factor by an exponential number this time.
yet you refuse to answer
I have done nothing you have done to me, unless you were lying when you
claimed ot have contacted Houghton the Sate of Michigan etc to complain
about me
MorkieMoron wrote::
K4YZ wrote:
whatso you can harras me by phone as well?
I wouldn't do that.
with all the lying you do I don't believe you
What lying?
yuor lying all of it
What lying?
all of it
You keep claiming that I'm lying but have yet to prove a single
sentence of it other than to say "because I said so".
You have prooven yourself a Lair, you promised you were going to sue
me, you haven't that is poof that you have a lied
My wife I could prove if needed and will if I need to to CAP to get
some measure of justice. Your claims that I was caught on tape I have
your admission your were lying what more do I need?
That's not "proof".
but I have poof and you don't
give my regards to Col Rushing
I seriously doubt that Col Rushing would entertain greetings from
you, Mork.
according the offce of the CAP IG he will
And Mork...On this wing's last SAR evaluation by the Air Force,
ONE section of all evaluated took an "Outstanding"...Communications.
Ya wanna guess who was behind that rating?
Likely Col Rushing I know how it works
He was unaware that you go arround promoting yourself as a CAP officer
and enaging in libel in your off duty time
I guess you thought by sending an e-mail to the Wing Commander of
the Tennessee Wing, Civil Air Patrol, it somehow would change the fact
that everyone here knows who and what you are.
you guess wrong
Nope. I guessed right. And it didn't take much effort for them
to figure it out either.
I hoped it migth result in you losing somethign you seem to value
you claim my taking thing to the offline goes over the lien
What did you think they were going to do, Mork?
I would hope something along the line so frevoke your flight stauts or
other scantions mayeb even reduce you in rank
What do you think I am going to "lose"...?!?!
So far, all I have GAINED is SYMPATHY for having to deal with an
online stalker, which is exactly what you present ! ! ! ! ! !
then why are you stalking me stev
how you have been doing it for a long time steve
di you hear from him I haerd from CAP's IG who assures that you wing
comander will atpemt to deal with your despiectable behavoir that is a
a disgreace to that unifrom and rank
First of all, Mork, I've never posted to you FROM one of thier
computers or servers. Ergo no misuse or misappropriation of thier
services or facilities occured. No fraud or theft.
no such accusation is made
Secondly, I've never posted to you AS a member officer. Ergo I've
never disgraced the uniform since I wasn't "wearing" it when we've had
these forays. That I happen to be a member does not matter. No
that will be the very pint of issue but it would not if your were
active at least I am so advised by CDC which would be handly you if it
were an army matter
Thirdly, I've never represented myself as representing them or
their opinion on any matter when addressing you, therefore I've not
engaged them as a participant in these proceedings. Again...No
Ergo, at the most, it's an annoyance and someone will have to file
a piece of paper somewhere saying that some semi-literate USENET
stalker filed a "complaint" against an officer whose service and
professional reputation are known...And known for over 30 years.
Lastly, Mork, I sent THEM copies of your "I am a Colonel", "I was
drafted" (along with your birthdate) , "They won't let me resign" posts
and your "Yes, I lie and I'll teach my kids to lie" posts. The last one
probably nailing the coffin shut on any "complaints" you may have filed
and may file in the future in-as-much as they are quite proud of thier
Cadet program and the values it teaches...None of which include your
style of conduct or morality.
you neglected no doubt to forward your thretaes against my life safety
Mork...WHAT did you think that an organization that is chock-full
of REAL Veterans would think when they got a load of your claims?
Especially about being a "Colonel"...?!?!
after learning that you threatened to kill me I doon't expect to have
nay problem
As for the response you got, I have no doubt they responded
politely and professionally. That's what they do.
Still waiting on a response from your CO I will be sending another note
to IG then today
we shall see what happens
But now they also know what a cukoo bird you really are.
Steve, K4YZ