Now for the rest of the story!
This is what actually happened.....
And it came to pass that once again those who knew about the homosexual
tendencies of the king of knob jobs in alabama aka: Lloyd Davies, once
again rose their all knowing minds and posted truths about the king oof
knob jobs in alabama. Then, when they posted the true messages, the
exposed homosexual who is also known as the king of knob jobs in
alabama went berserk as he has usually done when the truth is told.
But, no matter how the king of knob jobs in alabama tries, he will
never be even a tenth of the man who whips his fat ass regularly!
Then, the slobbovians saw this post, and the dicklick cocksuckers saw
the post, and some of them were stirred to something that approached
pity for the king of knob jobs in alabama. But it was pity mixed with
righteous anger and the need for the king of knob jobs in alabama to
come clean and profess to one and all his fondness for dicks and
cornholing men. And, once again the king of knob jobs in alabama was
exposed for the faggot he actually is!
The slobbovians and dicklicks debated about the price the king of knob
jobs in alabama would have to pay, and the dicklicks demanded that the
king be exterminated. The slobbovians saw this as a possible learning
experience for the king of knob jobs in alabama, but knew that he could
not be cured of his dick sucking fetish! The slobbovians counselled the
dicklicks as they knew that the king should be killed or forced to
recant his slurs and admit that he is in fact a deviant who sadly had
his emotional wires crossed but could possibly be saved with years of
expensive therapy at the citizens own expense. And they proposed to
give the king of knob jobs in alabama a choice-therapy or
Then the king would be forced to confront his own homoerotic feelings
of love for men and especially Roger Wiseman that went far beyond the
respect and recognition of the king's limited knowledge of anything
that mattered. That most of the people possessed knowledge of the king
of knob jobs in alabama and his filthy desires into the realm of
homosexual love and desire for possession that turned sour when the
king of knob jobs in alabama faced the fact that he could not convince
the populace that he was a normal human being, not a genetic mutant.
Then, when the king of knob jobs in alabama was happy with this
decision, although it is a fact that the king could not rule the land
of alabama, as the people knew about his homosexual fetishes. But the
mood of the king of knob jobs in alabama was good, for he had a chance
to suck off all his underlings and it was good.
At the end of the day the dicklicks stood down, but remained ever
vigilant and ready to suck when the king wanted a knob job.
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