Amy wrote:
I like listening to foreign radio stations via the internet. But it is
not practical for me to listen via my computer. Does anyone know if
there is a way or a gizmo that will let me access my choice of foreign
radio stations on my stereo? I am a beginner at this.
One option, since it appears you're in Canada, is to record CBC Radio
One overnight. Between 1 and 5am they relay various foreign stations.
You could get a cable with two "RCA" plugs on one end and a "1/8" stereo
plug" on the other (available at Radio Shack and most computer stores)
to patch a tape record output on your stereo to the "line input" on your
computer's sound card, then use a timed recording program like Total
Recorder ( , there are other choices out
there) to automatically record to your hard disk at the desired time.
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66