Thread: SGC-235 Tuner
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Old July 18th 03, 06:45 AM
Posts: n/a

I looked over the insides of an SG-235 and initially thought it was
capable of much higher power than the 200w rated SG-230 which I am very
familiar with. Then I looked inside a Harris RF-382 series tuner rated
at 500w like the SG-235. Either the Harris will handle several KW or SGC
is stretching the ratings a bit.

M Wilson wrote:

Okay, I think my decision is in... The SGC-235 tuner. Does anyone
have experience running power into this tuner, in excess of the
"rated" 500 watts?

Cecil had a good idea, initial tune with low power, and then add full
smoke later on. My operation will be SSB, peaks at 600-700 watts,
give or take. And yes, I am willing to cap power output at around
600, if need be ;-)

Also, what configuration are you all using? Dipole, or long wire?

Thanks in advance again, and yes, Roy, here I go with the considerable
expense... thanks!