Thread: Preselector
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Old April 28th 06, 02:26 AM posted to
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Default Preselector

Preselectors are OK ; they do block some stuff;
- however, it comes at a price of a few less decibels of input from the

Buy the Cheaper MFJ unit; it will probably help the older tube sets.

I had it , then upgraded to the 1046;
- which I have now disconnected..

Nice, but not mandatory

Jim Hackett wrote:
I've been getting all kinds of advice from everyone wherever I
posted this question and I really appreciate everyone's replies but I guess
I wasn't too clear on my needs. I
shouldn't have even mentioned the blowtorch as it really isn't a problem.
IF I was at home during the day and wanted to listen to the shortwave, it
would be a MAJOR problem. Alas, I work for a living and am not home during
the day. I just mentioned that. Why, I'm not sure. What I was REALLY
wanting to know was if a preselector would help with blocking spurious
signals and images out of my older tube single conversion radios. Nothing to
do with the blowtorch. He isn't a problem in the evening after they turn
down the power. Again, I appreciate everyone's comments. I am learning
more than I could have hoped to.