Operation Frequent Wind
Shortwave DX wrote:
running dogg wrote:
dxAce wrote:
This weekend marks the 31st anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Has
listened to the Voice of Vietnam today, and if so have they made
mention of the
Vietnam is relayed via Sackville for English. I've heard the transmitter
at Xuan Mai in Viet, not sure if Xuan Mai has an English broadcast.
I was listening from a tent last weekend with about 500 foot of 12 gauge
wire stuck about 40 feet in a tree. Anyway, I made some pretty good
catches of the Voice of Vietnam.
The following times and frequencies
1000 UTC
9840 khz
12020 khz
1100 UTC
9840 khz
12020 khz
1230 UTC
9840 khz
12020 khz
There used to be a 15010 frequency that was used to but my latest WRTH
doesn't show it. I think it may have been discontinued. I listened to
the 20th anniversary of the end of the war. It was interesting to say
the least. Actually I remember they had a contest at that time for
people who wrote in.
I think there is a North American broadcast relayed via Sackville
somewhere on 40 meters and 31 meters.