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Old April 29th 06, 05:22 PM posted to
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Default Antenna RF choke questions

"Reg Edwards" wrote in message

"AK" wrote in message
Putting together a new Cushcraft A4S (10,15, 20m) beam.

Cushcraft recommends using an 8-turn, 6-inch diameter RG8U coax

cable coil
as an RF choke for feeding the driven element. HyGain suggested the

thing for the TH2MK3 antenna I used many years ago -- only using 12

turns of
RG8 (with the 6-inch outside diameter), rather than 8 turns. I have

a few
questions on the best way to do this.

1) Is it fair to assume that the more turns the better?

2) Should the coil be as close to the antenna feedpoint as possible,

or is a
foot or two of straight coax between the antenna input and the coil


3) Would placing the coax coil around the mast (instead of taping

one side
of the coil to the mast as suggested) be a bad thing to do?

4) Is there a good website or book that describes the technical

tradeoffs of
a coax RF choke? ( I am sort of wondering if the choke can be

skipped. Some
time ago, I used a W2AU balun on a multiband dipole. All it did was

TVI when I went on 10 meters. Took the balun out, and the resonant

didn't change. I figured that if there were antenna currents on the

they would bring down the resonant frequency without the balun.

Since that
didn't happen, I figured the balun wasn't helping - - but balun core
saturation at 30 MHz (with the KW on) was what was racking up the


5) One last question - not having to do with the coax RF choke:
Cushcraft "operating tips" say to not use vinyl tape on SO239 or

connectors. Why? What problem would the tape cause??

Thanks for any info - AK


A choke made of 8 turns, 6 inches diameter, has a resonant frequency
around 21 MHz and has an impedance greater than 1000 ohms in the 20
meter and 10 meter bands.

Chokes are best wound neatly in the form of a single layer solenoid.
Jumble wound choke coils can have funny effects.

For design of chokes made with coax cable download program SELFRESS
from website below and run immediately.
.................................................. .........
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
.................................................. .........

I like to wind them on a piece of PVC pipe tie wrapping or lacing the turns
to the pipe.