On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 03:47:32 GMT, "west"
Is there a place on the net, in a book, etc. that I can see examples &
diagrams of a coax bulkhead? Perhaps someone on this NG constructed such a
device & wouldn't mind sharing his plans.
My house sits on a slab and I would like to run about 4 or 5 coax cables,
rotor cable, AC & DC source all going from the shack to my tower. In Florida
lightning is a major concern so the bulkhead will have to have coax (gas
arrestors?) & other types of arrestors. All this, of course, should be
grounded to a copper ground rod. I would like this outside "box" nicely &
neatly dressed & labeled so it's easy to disconnect & is not an eye sore. I
searched the Ham books and many Internet sights to no avail.
Anybody? Thank you.
west, AF4GC
Try this URL:
Danny, K6MHE
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one
useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three
or more is a congress. - John Adams
email: k6mheatarrldotnet