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Old April 30th 06, 10:23 AM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,,
Not Roger II
Posts: n/a
Default This guy loves Woger!

"an_old_friend" wrote in message

Not Roger II wrote:
My, Woger. These guys really think a lot of you to put up a blog such as
this one. You sure know how to win and make friends, don't you? What you
lack in finesse, you more than make up for with unadulterated idiocy.

that he is disliked can not be denied but that sort of attack just
reinforces his sick ego, and may make the object of sympathy ( at least
for anybody not reading a newgruop to see that he is the agressor

Wussman likes the attention, bad as it may be. It makes him feel popular. If
it were not for bloggers such as he would
get no attention at all. His life is one of boredom and the poor guy needs
attention be it good or bad. He is kind of like you and your retarded
fixation with Steve. You, like Wiseman with Lloyd, "see" Steve everywhere
whether Steve posts or not. You really should get over your imbalance. Steve
is honest in that he posts over his REAL callsign and has nothing to hide.
You could learn something from Steve if you would leave your fantasy land
and your mind was not such a closed book.
And while we are discussing this? Why do you not get and use a spell
checker? Your posts only fortify Wiseman's comments that you sound extremely
stupid. He seems to have a valid point on this one.