How about a simple AGC circuit. You could make the detector more sensitive
around the tone frequency (with a BP filter) so it will reduce gain more due
to tone.
If you know the tone freq, just notch it 6-8-10-15 dB - whatever you need.
I'm not sure why you say the DSP has to eliminate the tone. It could easily
be made to only reduce the tone to a a specified level.
I think the tone detector-PLL is not too good a method. Getting the phase
shift to do a cancell will take an adjustable all-pass phase shifter. Not
impossible, but complex as well.
73, Steve, K9DCI
"Bill Powell" wrote in message

Simple Tone Detector
I'm looking for a SIMPLE circuit to detect the presence of a tone -
any tone in the audible range.
My quest: Consider the poor radio dispatcher, sitting there wearing a
pair of headphones when the next town / county over tones out an
ambulance or fire department.
I'm looking to be able to detect any audible tone and use the results
to decrease the operator's headphone sound level during the tone.
I have already tried a DSP tone elimination and found that:
1) It's too effective: I need do decrease tone volume - not eliminate
2) Way too complex and expensive for the seemingly simple task.
The circuit needs to be compact and inexpensive - connected between
the dispatch console headphone jack and the operator's headphones. It
must NOT interfere with normal speech!
I have spent several hours online seatching and came up empty. Any
thoughts or suggestions?
Bill Powell