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Old May 2nd 06, 10:53 PM posted to
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Default hf antennas near powerlines

The RF effect is probably not much for transmitting, but receiving may
pick up lots of noise. It all depends on what type of power line you
are refering to. If it's a single distribution line in a residential
area, it will relatively low voltage and noise. If you are looking at a
high voltage feeder line with multiple 3-phase lines, then you will get
lots of noise, including corona discharge, arcing when the insulators
are wet and dirty.

My 160 meter dipole has one end near a line with two high tension
feeder lines plus the residential feeder line. I use the antenna on all
bands, and can really hear the noise reduction when on 40 meters and
above and switch to an antenna quite a way from the power lines.

My power company also has a deeded right of way along the South part of
my property where I cannot put anything above a certain height or build
anything that might contact a falling wire. If this is your case also,
you might take a look at your deed restrictions and put your poll
outside the restricted area.

the pole I am planing to use is one the power company has abonaded
(moving the transfromer to a new pole in exchance for not making them
remove and disose of the old pole I may use it as I like

it sounds like I will be able to use to elavte a low band antenna alone
with the other abandoned service pole at the other end of the attenn,
it ruarl resdentcail there is my transformers and the next is about 1
mile away

I was just wondering if I was do to something "iteresting" (maybe good
mayeb not puting the end of the anttena

noramly a good point about placement issues but the reason they were
moving is that the entire line was placed fbyond their powere company
right way in the first place and for some reaon the power company is
being forced to put it line where they nbelong rather than making the
homeowner just give up more land

Good luck, Paul KD7HB

thank you