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Old May 3rd 06, 01:53 AM posted to
Joe Analssandrini
Posts: n/a
Default Degen DE-1107 / Kaito KA-1107 portable shortwave radio - what to expect?

Dear Jim,

"Jim Hackett" wrote:

Hey Joe, ... I see you said CURRENT models. The TECSUN R-9700DX is
dual conversion..

I was unaware of this radio which is, indeed, analog-tuned and
dual-conversion. I wonder, however, if it is any good. Did you notice
that the review, at, is practically word-for-word as the
blurbs ("exquisite case") on Lipyn's E-bay Store description? There
don't seem to be any other reviews - not on eHam nor (of course) in
PASSPORT and I definitely have my "doubts" about RadioIntel's review.

In any case, and I don't care how inexpensive (or expensive!) an
analog-tuned radio is - I'll NEVER go back. I "paid my dues" using @%#&
analog tuning, with its inaccuracies - "what frequency am I on?,"
drifting, other aggravations, etc., for more years than I want to

In other words, who really needs an analog-tuned shortwave receiver for
everyday use? (This, of course, does not apply to "collectibles" and
other such radios.)

Give me digital tuning any day, especially as nowadays there is no real
price "premium" charged for it.

So I do hope that, since Ms. Weil already has an inexpensive
analog-tuned SW radio, she will consider making her next purchase a
digitally-tuned one. I'll bet that, after using it for a while, she too
will "never go back to analog."

