Pete KE9OA wrote:
If this is a newer multiple conversion scanner and if this is the 2nd LO
crystal, you will want it to be on frequency.......otherwise, your receiver
will be off frequency and you will have unsymmetrical adjacent channel
selectivity. You want your high and low frequency passbands to be centered.
10.400MHz is an uncommon frequency to find in the "junk box" so you will
probably need to order it from one of the crystal manufacturers. If you
don't have an internal trimmer to warp the crystal on frequency (your
scanner hopefully does), you will also need to know the load capacitance for
the crystal when you order it.
"- exray -" wrote in message
Rob wrote:
I am trying to find a 10.400mhz crystal to replace the one in a Uniden
scanner I have. I have tried all the usual places such as Digi-key,
Mouser, etc. I don`t want to order from some place such as International
crystal because they would probably want a fortune for it in small
quantities. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Rob
I'm not sure how much a "fortune" is to you
but JAN Crystals would
probably run you $15-20 shipped.
Being a Uniden/scanner part maybe there would be better luck at just
finding an old junker scanner?
Thanks for all the help, looks like i will be ordering one. Rob