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Old October 2nd 03, 07:48 AM
Roger Halstead
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 15:11:29 -0500, "Crazy George"


I think you are trying to make a simple task difficult. Think about why you
can't just hook a feeder to the base of the tower. Actually, you can,
except matching it is a bitch because of the verrrry low impedance. So, go
up a few feet (I use 20', as it is a common tubing length), and make it a
gamma, delta, or whatever is convenient. Then use a "tuner" to match

That's kinda, sorta, something like I'm thinking of doing. Other than
at 160 meters the tap will probably be some where around 70 feet with
a spacing of (SWAG here) of 18 to 24 inches. Then a series matching
cap, just like in a gamma match,

Then check with noise bridge and adjust accordingly.

whatever appears to 50 ohms. Mine is a few microhenries of series
inductance, with a few hundred picofarads of shunt capacitance at the 50 ohm

I'd like to get it set so I don't need any series inductance, just a
little capacitance.

I'm currently trying to finish up a rebuild on the old Henry 2K4 in
the shop, repaint the cabinet on an HT-33 that has a great front panel
and nice chassis, and unfortunately I'm waiting for the wind to let up
so I can let the top mast down to check the antenna hardware as well
as replacing the pigtails. (That means about 6 to 7 hours on the
tower). Oh..I forgot the HyGain AV640 that is ready to go on top of
the 32 foot tower at the end of the shop. (which naturally has a big
tree limb in the way which is too high to reach even with a big
extension ladder)

Roger Halstead (K8RI EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R World's oldest Debonair? (S# CD-2)

end. I actually use a fixed inductance and a series capacitor instead of a
variable inductor, but that is a construction detail.