D68C QSL Info?
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September 9th 04, 12:13 PM
Zlatko Feric
Posts: n/a
"Walt Davidson" wrote in message
On 8 Sep 2004 08:23:05 -0700,
(LJ) wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting a D68C QSL from the 2001
expedition? I've QSL'd direct to the manager in the UK four times,
each with Green stamps. The last time, I enclosed both an IRC and a
Green stamp. No response at all, ever. I've also tried going through
the bureau several times.
very strange!! I received buro card loooooong time ago, all 6 QSOs
confirmed!! and G3SWH is very reliable manager also...
73! Zlatko 9A3MN
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