Why bother with SSB? It requires absolutely no skill and it's a lot cheaper
to pick up the phone and call a neighbor.
The fcc ham license giveaway "exam" is a joke. The new transceivers can be
operated by an imbecile monkey.
CW is all that is left of our once great hobby that requires skill,
knowledge or discipline.
Long after the whiners and creeps have removed the CW requirement from the
ham license, CW will remain in the growing cadre of landline dialups. And
real ham operators will continue to practice their craft.
Find a good bug...you'll love it and it will be your friend for your life.
"pltrgyst" wrote in message

On 4 May 2006 16:35:01 -0700, "gil" wrote:
WTB a CW bug, Vibroplex or other?
I'd wait, save a bit more money, and buy an SSB bug, myself. Why
compromise? You
know you'll outgrow it in no time.
-- Larry