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Old May 6th 06, 11:12 AM posted to
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Default Namibia - V51AS QSL

Ah hah. That never occured to me. Well....I guess I can expect to go through
the same thing with this most recent QSL.
Oh well - better late than never.

"Bob Nielsen" wrote in message

4. Someone stole the money but your card still made it to Frank.

I have had this happen (not with V51AS).

On Sat, 06 May 2006 00:59:48 +0000, KA3ARF wrote:

I sent two or three QSLs direct and received replies via the buro. I can
only think of three reasons why this happened.

1. I sent one instead of two dollars to cover return postage.
2. Since his QSL card is oversized, the s.a.s.e. I sent was too small.
3. And I really hate to say this - he replied via the buro and pocketed

This isn't the only station I've seen do this. Has anyone else had a
experience with this station?
I just recently sent a QSL to confirm an 80 meter QSO.

KA3ARF - Marc

"Pat Whelton" wrote in message
Anyone know the secret to getting a card from V51AS? I worked this guy
40 meters in February of 2004, 2005 and 2006. I've sent cards via the
bureau, via WF5E and direct with green stamps. I have yet to receive a
back. I've heard the Postal System in Namibia is known for pilfering
mails. Can Certified Mail be sent overseas? If you have Frank's card
did you do it?