Help with command receiver
I have a receiver looks the same as the well known command receivers (BC-453, BC-454, BC-455), but has the following main differences:
- it is grey instead of black
- it works at VHF (108-135 MHz) instead of HF
- it has loctal tubes (14A7, 14R7, 14F7) instead of octal tubes (but has one 12A6)
- it also has some miniature tubes too (9002 and 9003)
- it is built by Aircraft Radio Corporation (ARC)
- it is marked R-13B but it should be nearly identical to the R-15/R-509, and similar to the R-19/R-508/R-507
I searched the Internet for the schematic diagram with no success. Does anyone have it and would available to make a scan for me ?
Thanks and 73
Tony I0JX