Have you measured the signal strengths from a few stations of known
locations, power levels, and antenna gains, and compared them with your
program's predictions?
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Reg Edwards wrote:
For either line-of-sight or multi-hop propagation through the
ionosphere -
- this apparently simple program computes path loss in dB between
transmitter and receiver, field strength at the receiving site, and
receiver S-meter readings. Transmitter power output can be varied
between 10 KW and 1 milliwatt.
It is educational for newcomers and of assistance to DX and
line-of-sight experimenters. It illustates how S-meters OUGHT to work.
Download program PROPGATE from website below in a few seconds and run
immediately. Its at the bottom of the list.
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Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
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