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Old May 10th 06, 02:24 AM posted to
Jim Hackett
Posts: n/a
Default Superadio II Reviews

I have one that is not the best looking one around by far, but fully
functional that I picked up at my flea mkt a few years back for $10.
I couldn't believe the amount of bass that pours out of that portable. On
FM, it puts my Sat-800 to shame.
Brenda, what did you end up doing with those square speakers I sent you a
year or 2 ago? I had intended to put one in my Sat 800. They look like a
match made in heaven. Never got around to it though...

"Brenda Ann" wrote in message

"switcher" wrote in message
if you had the pana 65rfd, where would it fit in ???

And yes, I have an old Grundig Yachtboy, and I can hear a station on
1602, where the sony gives ... (synt ?) noise .... How's that ??
It looks like the select on the grundig is very nice too, I can seperate
weak 738/RFI-Paris from strong easily, while on the sony I hear
more noise ...

The grundig is from the seventies ...

location Vleteren, Belgium

with a loop, I can receive Beromunster, Rennes, Flensburg, ireland
during DAYTIME...

I have one of Grundig's best radios from the 60's. The US model name is
Transistor 1000. I think it was the Satellit 305 or something like that in
Europe. I like the radio so much that when I ended up selling my original
one in 1980, I vowed to find another. I've never had a better radio for

and all the other bands are fantastic as well.