Scan Victoria (Australian Site)
no your the only one that has hacked my site you said you did you proved it
by doing what you said you would do you said this to a mate of mine and i
kept his logs you took over my msn spoke to cj and he busted you and you
told cj i should have shut up about you hacking sites and for that you were
not going to give my msn back, how i knew it was MICHAEL KEEPING; well
Michael spat a few things out to me and 2 of my mates i only told him and
him only?.
BTW MICHAEL KEEPING how come for the nealy 2 months i was in vic you didnt
show your brother didnt show.?
wrote in message
Seems i have been offered to a suck job, i must accept ! Send Me the
details :-)
Bunter anything you do on the internet is not always 100% secure. There
would also be more than 1 person YOU have started arguements with and i
must ask, do you accuse them of hacking your site?? Im ready to
nominate you for a "best actresS" logie award for your attempts.
I have had numerous emails from you also, im sick of it and im ready to
add you to the blacklist.
Whats this world coming to?
I placed a link on scanvic going to cbdomain only to be told he demands
it to be taken down, i would of thought you would want YOUR site
advertised, guess i was wrong.
All of the info on the ScanVic site isnt copied from other websites,
only the graphical images are as they are a reference to you people in
I have had pretty good feedback from people via Email, im quite happy
with the response i have had about scanvictoria.
There is still more info to be added to the site, all it takes is time!
Any other ideas you would like to see done to the site? Im always open
for suggestions!
How did my spelling go in this Bunter ??? Did i pass my english exam :P