Common Mode noise reduction
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May 11th 06, 05:41 AM posted to
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Common Mode noise reduction
In article .com,
After a long conversation with a local Federal prosecutor about the
new "anti bother" legislation I have decided it is pretty safe to
post facts and avoid expressing personal opinions. So from time ot
time I will post links to radio related information that I have found
My only opinion about this link regards the realization that while I
thought I was going a little overboard with the feritte for comon
mode noise suppresion, I see I have to add a lot more to even
approach 1K impedance! I have ripped out my entire radio room and
intend "to do it right" this time.
The R200swl and r200slwer "at hotmail" and "at yahoo" accounts are
abondoned. Given the rapid thread drift toward non radio topics I
doubt if I will ever reply to any thread.
Enjoy or ignore.
The information is geared for Ham transmit but some of it is useful on
receive. If you have receive power mains noise problems then I
recommend EMI filters that you can buy built into power strips. Those
power strips are easy to buy and use.
1K ohm common mode choke is pretty good on a receive coax. More is
always better of course. Lossy ferrite is good on the receive coax but
as noted in the guy's paper it is a problem on transmit.
Ventura, California
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