Thread: Magloop Height?
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Old May 12th 06, 11:27 AM posted to
Dave Oldridge
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Default Magloop Height?

"Lee" wrote in

Is there any optimum height for a 3ft dia magloop, or is it dependent
on frequency??.

I have mine planted in the lawn with the top about 6ft from the ground
(on a rotator!)
and was curious whether to work it against ground or put it at the top
of the tower,
or have i completely lost the plot???, Heh heh........

Surprising how cheaply a magloop can be built for and after 12 months
it still works well!!.

What band is yours on? I have a 55-inch diameter coax loop that I'm using
on 75, but I'm seriously thinking of working up a multiband design in soft-
drawn 3/4" copper pipe. It would be six feet in diameter (mainly due to
space considerations).

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667