Total meltdown?
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May 13th 06, 09:43 PM posted to
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Total meltdown?
I suppose you are right that there is a risk in going fully moderated,
but at this point I don't see that this news group would have much to
Any reasonable debate is currently lost in the noise of the flamers as
evidenced in this thread.
becuase in part people like yourself stnad by and allow it
Personally I don't think ones race, religion, sex, orientation etc has
any bearing on their ability to add to the debate of amateur radio
policy and I don't see how any of your responses to me would come close
to being the type of thing that should be moderated out of the group.
About facts being ignored you are right in part. Many folks only want
to stand on the soap box and don't want to be confused by the facts.
Some actually are interested in the facts and read such groups to find
them. I just don't think anybody is served when we get 15 posts in a 20
post thread that are obviously just flaming with nothing valueable to
add or some fine point to discuss. We simply are not going to attract
new readers like this.
I'm a bit tired of all the gutter talk that the bulk of this group
seems to be about. I personally don't care (from a perspective anyway) what somebodies sexual
orientation is (real or imagined). I would generally ignore the
content anyway when such inflammatory language is used, the poster must
just not have anything worth while to say.
as you ignore such content and allow it to drowntherest without wishing
to seem in flamitory you start to become PART of the problem ,
lessorthan the posters
Don't be fooled though, some of us actually *do* look for those who
present logical arguments or new facts for our consideration. It may
not work with the general rabble flame throwers, but there are some
folks here who are willing to step back and consider new thinking.
Don't give up trying.
i haven't
-= Bob =-
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