Smallest amp for effecitve range increase that works?
What's the smallest amps in terms of wattage that will have a effective
increase in range? I currently have a range of 7 to 12 miles from my Base to
a mobile. I need to get that to about 15 to 22 miles. Both the mobile and
the base will get amps.
Currently I have a Uniden Washington (with Peak/tune/extra channels) and a
A99 on the roof (about 33 feet up)
The Mobile is a stock Cobra 29 with a 102 steel whip.
I thought about getting side band for the mobile, but it seems like a
hassle to tune a signal while driving down the road. I has a Grant LT in my
old truck, and I don't think I ever used the sideband while in motion.
So what do I need? a mini 40watt wasp?
or one of those 100 watt palomars?
or something near or over 200watt.
I'm not looking for over kill, or to spend more then I need, I just want to
be able to talk from work to the house.