FIGHT? Here is another W8JI myth bone!
It seems to me that when "W8JI" is associated with something, you
assume immediately that it is wrong. If you were to read Ronold W. P.
King's explanation about small loop antennas in "Transmission Lines,
Antennas and Waveguides", would you be any more apt to believe it? How
about Glenn S. Smith's discussion of them in Johnson and Jasik's
"Antenna Engineering Handbook" (second edition)? Each of those begins
with a reasonably detailed description of an "unshielded" loop and
moves on to a "shielded" loop.
In addition, can you expain to us how the current on the wires on the
inside of the shield is NOT balanced by an equal current in the
opposite direction on the inside surface of the shield? Please tell us
in detail just what currents are where on the shielded loop. If you
are going to try to tell us that some explanation is in error, please
provide us with enough detail that we can make up our own minds. So
far, all I've seen here is some vague reference to confusion about
The descriptions in each of the two references I gave above are far
more detailed than what you have posted here, either of your own or of
W8JI's, and I find them both enlightening--they are slightly different
from each other--but both detailed enough that you can make up your own
mind about what's really going on, and not have to read ranting
generalities or statements with nothing to back them up.