In article , n24141 says...
Hello All,
Has everyone been hearing all the trucking activity on 10 lately? I
listened to 3 truckers running together, transmitting on 28515, for over 4
hrs yesterday. They were running WIDE am, never mentioning company names.
They prob got their rigs from or some other company
specializing in sellin illegal equipment right under the fcc's nose. Check
out too. They have their "cw transmitters" in various
sizes up to 800 watts. No wonder 10 mtrs has so much illegal activity. They
need to shut "Old man Copper" down. He sells 10 mtr am only "channelized"
rigs dirt cheap to anyone with $$. Tired of all the trash...
John Kd4afw
Our man Riley has been issuing warning notices right and left to
trucking companies, so hopefully the word is getting out that this is
not a cool thing to do....
-- //Steve//
Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA