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Old May 15th 06, 07:42 PM posted to,,,
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Default More Morkie Mularkie

an old fiend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old flamer wrote:
Big Red Ham wrote:
well, i've got to get on the road again.........not making any money
sitting at home. don't wory,i'll be back in a few weeks!

their are carrers like that

I OTOH am ONLY making money whenI am stiing at my PC

That's not true.

yes it is true


Michigan will STILL send you your welfare check regardless of
where you are sitting, as long as you are sitting within Michigan.

steve i know you suffer from delsuions but you are lying again

No illusions.

Not lying.

Michigan keeps sending you money every month.

Inded these same folks clai they want me to tell the truth but get
****ed when I dothat is ahoot

What's a "hoot" is your professing to tell the truth.

nope I tell the truth 90 persent of the time

No, you do not. Fifty percent would be a stretch. Less than 30%
is more like it...

you don't tell the truth much at all as has been proven over and over

No, it's not...and certainly NOT by you, Morkie!


You continue to get caught in one lie after another...And seem to
think no one but you is any wiser...THAT'S a "hoot".

name one your caught me in just one

You mean other than claiming you're not a pervert when you admit to
having same-sex relations?

Or lying about your service in the Armed Forces?

Then we have you allegations of being threatened.

Follow that up with your allegations of being stalked.

We can then add in your past mental health history which you
denied you had, then admitted to being treated after being outted even
once more.

There's more, but hey. you keep these alive well enough...

is, most are just plain ####ing weird to most non-radio hobby types. i
say "####'em...." have fun!

an_old_friend, keep these neurotics in check and i'll catch up when i
get back. BTW, i monitor 146.52 in my truck most of the time,along with
good 'ole ch 19. it would be my pleasure to work your station sometime.

well given that from a nearby peak I can see Canada on a clear day that
doesn't seem likely

What's even more unlikely is that you'd understand anything Morkie
had to say.

moeof your delsuonal thinking steve get help

I'm not the one who needs "help", Morkie...You are.

Stop lying. Stop the welfare fraud.

Steve, K4YZ