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Old May 16th 06, 03:08 AM posted to
Bret Ludwig
Posts: n/a
Default FA: ZM-3 U/A Capacitor Analyzer

YT wrote:
The ZM3 is a great instrument useful for testing value, checking leakage and
forming electrolytics.
Built very tough. even has a pass tube for the variable DC supply.
Every bench could use one of those.

Yes, drown them both.

Insofar as that comment is concerned, that is exactly what the ZOG would
The liberal is a mindless automaton tool of the ZOG.
Unconsious if not blind to the ZOG 'world view' and unaware that they are
being manipulated.
On the contrary, the liberal revels in destruction of tradition, in the
home, in traditional marriage, the Christian faith and of course an absolute
antipathy toward anything that is 'white.'
The ZOG IS the root of all evil
Die ZOG, die
Die liberal die

God, are you stupid.

Monotheism is a three headed poisonous snake of Semitic belief. WHITE
people are by nature pantheistic or polytheistic. Liberalism is
JudeoChristian in natu proud pagans had no truck with it.

Read your own guru Dr. Pierce sometime. I don't mind bigots, but I
can't stand stupidity.
"Bret Ludwig" wrote in message

Beerbarrel wrote:


It's Christianity vs. Islam. Let's get this party started!

Yes, drown them both.