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Old May 16th 06, 02:02 PM posted to,,
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Default Hurricane Season in glendale west virginia? NOOOOOOOO!!!

assraped by an_old_friend wrote:
On 15 May 2006 15:07:30 -0700, an_old_friend wrote:

On 15 May 2006 14:20:17 -0700, an_old_friend wrote:

good folks don't go aroudn calling people child molestors

I don't know orcare what wisemen sexauleintation is I just wish ihed
get out of other people busness

Then stop provoking Wiseman, dumbass.

I don't do anything a reasonable person would calling provoking him

I just refse refuse to let him conitue his thrash atohn un chalahnged

Just ignore him and don't give him any lip, dumbass.

doesn not work or did not work for 6 months

Markie admits he hasn't worked for at least 6 months.

If you quit
replying and provoking him, he would quickly drop the whole thing.

no he has been at for a year rain or shine

And according to the Google archives, you've been at it for years and
years, dumbass.

still no good person goes around calling folks child molestors

But you are a child molester, Markie.

There is no "challenged" question at all. You are using that as
an excuse for yourself.

I left him for 6 month and he pokept posting his **** at least this way
I don't see mcuh of as goolge anily lets you see the last post

Wrong, markie, you've been spamming for at least 6 months.

defedning oneself is not provoking someone, if the jews had defended
themselves against eh NAZI's a lot moe of them would be alive

You stupid ****, you think replying with "get help" is a good defense?