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Old May 16th 06, 10:06 PM posted to,,,
an old freind
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Default get help

K4YZ wrote:
an old fiend lied some mo
K4YZ wrote:

Michigan will STILL send you your welfare check regardless of
where you are sitting, as long as you are sitting within Michigan.

steve i know you suffer from delsuions but you are lying again

No illusions.


No "delsuion" either, whatever a "delsuion" is...

yes it is

you are deluded or lying or both

Not lying.

yes you are lying



you are lying

Michigan keeps sending you money every month.

not even close

Sure they do. YOU admitted it in this very forum.

nope you are lying agin they do send my father a check once a year none
to me

So WHY do you try to claim otherwise now?

not you are lying as normal

Inded these same folks clai they want me to tell the truth but get
****ed when I dothat is ahoot

What's a "hoot" is your professing to tell the truth.

nope I tell the truth 90 persent of the time

No, you do not. Fifty percent would be a stretch. Less than 30%
is more like it...

90 percent on average

Yes...You lie on 90% on average...On that we can agree.

lying agin stev why do you do it
but in any case it is a higher percentage than your posting


of course any percentage of the truth would beat your record on
you don't tell the truth much at all as has been proven over and over

No, it's not...and certainly NOT by you, Morkie!

certainly has been

Nope. You "saying so" doesn't make ANYthing true, Mork.


but havebeen proven a lar on the issue of suing me this winter having
me arested last fall ad 8 years ago

you have alos been proven lair on Mark Moragn caught on tape

you lie that I am welfare is also proven by your own hand

Or lying about your service in the Armed Forces?

I have served as you well know have stollen my medical record from the

I haven't "stollen" anything.

yes you have

Then we have you allegations of being threatened.

your english is sliping but..



you have thretaened me many times


yep many time

Follow that up with your allegations of being stalked.

you have stalked me

More lying. Just about what I expect.

you are the only one leing steve

There's more, but hey. you keep these alive well enough...


Uh huh.

Do you need for me to provide you with a Webster's definition of
the word "alive"..?!?!

no I need tyou to explain how my "lieing keeps" me alive

I am not the one suffering delsions steve you are

What's a "delsion", Fatboy?

you don't know and you claim to be a nurse

Stop lying.

not lying

Sure you are. Witness:

Stop the welfare fraud.

no welfare fraud here

Sure there is.

prove or better still report me

You claim you are supporting your father at home, but then you
claim he's getting "assistance" from the State on his utility bills and

yea your point

Then you claim to be running a business from home that you refuse
to identify, yet you're getting state subsistence for dependents.


my income is not a determining factor

Fraud, Morkie. It really is THAT simple.

no fraud iexists in filling the roms honestly I and my old man answer
every question acurately my father is a remains eleible for the
assitasnce he gets

if he is elible then no fraud exists

indeed that is realy bizarre If werereceieving welfare why would that
be fraud indeed if I were as sick as you claim I would be entitled to

YOU claim that you're not, yet you're taking the money, Mork.

no you are delsuional again


Funny the state does not think so
and they make the rules not you

but I don't recieve it so it can't be fraud

Sure you do and yes it is.

no I don't so it can't be

I am not my father steve I know facts are hard for you to understand
but get that one thought your think head

can you tell the truth

the evdednce says you can't

What's "evdednce", Mork...?!?!

your postings

Steve, K4YZ