EA53 tube for HP410B VTVM?
Does anyone care to comment on the differences between the ME26D/U and
the HP410B? I have both and by far prefer the 410, but I wonder if my
ME26 is working properly. It was a NOS meter when I removed it from
its box a couple of years ago and looks nearly new; however, measuring
AC with it isn't nearly as "pleasant" as my 410 was. The meter is very
"jumpy" and overloads on the lower ranges simply by picking up the
probe. It settles back down, especially when the ground clip is
attached properly to whatever is being measured, but I don't remember
the 410 acting like this. Is this due to the 2-01C or just different
components and construction methods between the two models. The ME26
is supposed to be the militarized version of the HP410B, but it does
seem to behave differently.
Barry - N4BUQ