Mork Moron Continues Pathological Lying
an old freind lies and lies some mo
K4YZ wrote:Morkie Moron Continues Pathological Lying
an old friend lies in public once again:
you just altered my post again
No, I did not.
I did not alter a single word that you wrote.
you have been proven a liar
By whom?
by you mostly steve
Not YOU! And YOU have been the one proven to be a liar
you just proved yourself a liar
you have proven yourself bully and windbag
Nope. You may perceive it that way, but only because I don't
tolerate your pervert behaviour.
you threaten to murder me you threaten to call the cops your threaten
all kinds of thing
What threats?
you can't carry them out that makes a windbag
That I've let you off the hook makes me compassionate.
That you continue to violate my compassion makes you stupid.
you make dile threats you know and worse for you almost everyone know
are idle
What's a "dile" threat, Mork?
all your threats are idle
What threats?
you threaten what can't be carried through
Such as?
suing me or having me arested
There you go again...
you try to avoid dealing with the fact making remarks about your
daughter being totly ####ed up are justusing your own plaaybook at you
No, they are your attempts to commit a form of "suicide-by-cop".
no there are not you lied again
since I know you can do nothing
Do nothing about what?
it happened becuase you were never man enough to keep the bickering
between the posters
right because you are not a man
Sure I am.
Mork...Stop your lying.
not lying you are
Yes, Mork, You are.
Stop the pontificating.
Yes. It only makes your lying even more ludicrous.
Seek help for your sexual perversions.
Because if you don't and you're telling the truth about your
alleged "female" significant other being pregnant, at some point in the
future your qualifications to be a competent parent will be called into
You already have a documented mental health history. This just
adds fuel to the fire.
Stop the lies about your alleged degrees, military service, IQ,
and marraige.
no lies steve
Yes, Morkie...They are ALL lies...Until you start producing some
documents that prove otherwise...
They are all lies and we're tired of seeing you repeat
them over and over.
nope not that you can prove anyway
Sure I can.
Where did you graduate High School?
Where are your degrees from?
and you know about military record you stole my medical files with
forged creallease steve
I haven't "stole" anything, Mork.
And WTF is a "creallease", anyway...?!?!
you know you are lying
I "know" nothing of the sort.
I DO know that you continue to make claims that are as assinine as
the others you've made, and none of them are true either.
Steve, K4YZ