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Old May 17th 06, 07:04 PM posted to
an old freind
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Default Robson lies somemore

K4YZ wrote:Mark Morgan Revalidates His Suicidal Ideation
lying again
an old freind wrote:

after ll he posts the details about his defective daughter online for
all to see

you don't like steve you can stop it but you refuse

in answer to an obvious no I don't enjoy using her this way but neither
do I mind considering what you have pulled over the years

What you're agreeing to, then, Mork, is that by abusing the memory
of my deceased daughter, that you waive any right or claim to redress
when the consequences are revisted upon you by whatever means I
choose...And you accept the consequences.

no such agreement steve

you lied again

give it up

Sucks to be you, fatboy!

Steve, K4YZ