Mork Moron Molests Dead Children
an old freind lies again:
K4YZ wrote:Mork Moron Molests Dead Children
another lie from robeson
You proved it several times today...this post being one of them.
an old freak is working hard to commit suicide:
you must enjoy it since you keep on provoking me with libel and
What libel?
"mark Morgn caught on tape raped an old freind mark morgan has aids
So far, you've not proven any of it to be erroneous.
I could go one
Go one what?
What defamation?
Nothing get's said about you in this forum that isn't either
validated by your own hand or researchable public records, Mork.
lying agin steve
after all callingn her a defective mass flesh is just the turth I guess
it doesn't hurt you any
Sure it does.
then call ahlt to it
What's an ahlt?
be a man and amdit to your lies
What lies?
But then by doing so you only validate to each and every other
perosn in this forum exactly what I've been claiming about you for
nope you just lied again
You've proven it.
It takes an especially lowlife punk to "use" a dead child's memory
the way you are, Mork.
Ergo you are EXACTLY proving what I've been saying about you!
Yet YOU are too stupid to see that!
wondering if she was the only true felsh of your felsh (beleiing/hoping
the est of your chilrdren with the result of cuckolding)
Mork, why don't you try that in English...?!?!
you asked for it
you it you make me wonder if the only any of your children are normal
is becuase you wifes cheated on you to have them
It's "wives", Morkie, and no, all of my other kids are mine. And
they are all just fine.
you can stopp at any time
and in doing so regain something of your manhood
My manhood's fine, Mork.
the eveidence of your daughter sugesst otherwise
The what of my daughter?
all you have to do is promise to stop your lies about and the rest of
the folks here
What lies?
all of them
WHAT lies...?!?!?
Steve, K4YZ